Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/13/2018 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-2050 13. AppearanceAppearance: Jeff Klein, President and Chief Executive Office of Nevada Senior Services (NSS) Presentation and update on the services NSS provides for seniors regarding Alzheimer's and Dementia. [10 minutes]   Not available Not available
TMP-2056 14. AppearanceAppearance: Honorable David Humke, Department 14, Second Judicial District Court Kendra Materasso, Family Services Case Manager Presentation and update on the services of Family Peace Center. [10 minutes]   Not available Not available
TMP-2041 17.A. Informational ReportAcknowledge the communications and reports received by the Clerk on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners. Clerk. (All Commission Districts)   Not available Not available
TMP-2057 17.B. Action ItemApprove a request for reclassification of a vacant Program Manager (ER) pay grade 1RR, to Juvenile Services Detention Manager (ER), pay grade 1SS, (Juvenile Services) as evaluated by the Job Evaluation Committee. [Net fiscal impact is estimated at $10,777.] Human Resources. (All Commission Districts).   Not available Not available
TMP-1904 17.C. ContractApprove the construction agreement between Washoe County Technology Services Department and Overland Contracting Inc. for the Slide Mountain Tower Modification Project for an amount not to exceed [$138,760] and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Manager to execute an agreement with Overland Contracting Inc. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.)   Not available Not available
TMP-1683 17.D. ContractApprove the sole source agreement and Marketing and Sponsorship Agreement for foster care recruitment $99,900 and foster care retention activities $17,150, retroactive July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 with Wolf Pack Sports in an amount not to exceed [$117,050]; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Manager to execute the agreements. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts,)   Not available Not available
TMP-2040 17.E. Action ItemApprove Interlocal Agreement between the County of Washoe and the City of Sparks for election services provided by Washoe County for the 2018 primary and general elections (approximate reimbursement received by the County will vary according to number of candidate races and questions placed on the ballot by City of Sparks). Voters. (All Commission Districts.)   Not available Not available
TMP-2032 17.F.1. ResolutionAdopt a Resolution to donate one surplus 2003 3/4-ton, two wheel drive, Ford F-250 medium duty pickup truck, VIN# 3FTNF20LX3MB41203 to the Gerlach General Improvement District in accordance with NRS 244.15052(a); and provide other matters properly related thereto. Community Services. (All Commission Districts.)   Not available Not available
TMP-2034 17.F.2. ContractApprove a Water Rights Deed transferring 2.50 acre-feet of ground water rights from Washoe County to the Gannett Family Trust. Community Services. (Commission District 5.)   Not available Not available
TMP-2020 17.G.1. Action ItemApprove a request for sponsorship of the Reno 150th Birthday Celebration hosted by the Reno Aces at Greater Nevada Field On May 9, 2018 [in the amount of $5,000]; Washoe County being recognized as a Co-Sponsor; and authorize the County Manager to sign the Sponsorship Agreement. Manager. (Commission District 3.)   Not available Not available
TMP-2046 17.G.2. Action ItemApprove a grant award for FY 2017-2018 for Glenn Duncan S.T.E.M. Academy-Washoe County School District [in the amount of $7,313]; and approve Resolution necessary for same. Manager. (All Commission Districts.)   Not available Not available
TMP-1505 18. ContractRecommendation to approve an a one-year agreement in the amount of [$1,583,545] with the nonprofit, Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada, retroactive July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018 in support of the senior nutrition program, including congregate and Meals on Wheels services, in order to implement national best practices and leverage the capacity of a non-profit nutrition services agency and approve necessary resolution for same. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-2083 19. Action ItemRecommendation to approve an interlocal Agreement between the City of Reno, the Regional Transportation Commission, the City of Sparks, Washoe County and the University of Nevada Reno, Regarding Implementing a Regional Bike Share System. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-2038 110. Action ItemPossible action to adopt the Business Impact Statement for the 911 Surcharge increase with a finding, based on staff’s recommendation, that the proposed surcharge increase does not impose a significant economic burden on a business; nor does the proposed fee directly restrict the formation, operation or expansion of a business. As proposed, the 911 Surcharge would be increased by $0.60 to $0.85 per month for each customer access line to the local exchange of a telecommunications provider, increased by $0.60 to $0.85 per month for each telephone number assigned to a customer of mobile telephone service, and increased by $6.00 to $8.50 per month for each customer trunk line to the local exchange of a telecommunications provider. Technology Services. (All Commission District.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-2048 111. Action ItemIntroduction and first reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 65 of the Washoe County Code by modifying the permissible maximum 911 telephone line surcharge; by clarifying that the permissible use of the 911 telephone line surcharge includes the purchase and maintenance of portable event recording devices and vehicular event recording devices in accordance with the 2017 Nevada Legislature’s enactment of Senate Bill (“SB”) 176; and by specifying that the unencumbered fund balance shall not exceed $5,000,000 at the end of any fiscal year, and all other matters properly relating thereto; and, if supported, set the public hearing for second reading and possible adoption of the ordinance on March 27, 2018. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-2059 112. ContractRecommendation to authorize for a Joinder Contract to purchase Body Worn Cameras (BWC) and related supplies through the State of Nevada “3273 - Contract for Services of Independent Contractor” awarded to Axon Enterprise, Inc. (formerly Taser International), 17800 N. 85th St, Scottsdale, AZ, 85255. Estimated expenditures are [$730,579.25] per the contract term. If approved, authorize Purchasing and Contractors Manager to execute all relevant contract documents and agreements. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION.   Not available Not available
TMP-2036 113. OrdinancePossible action to introduce and conduct the first reading of an ordinance amending Ordinance 1536, Washoe County’s Requirements and Schedule of Rates and Charges and Pretreatment for Sanitary Sewer Service, to amend connection fees within the Spanish Springs service area; and other matters properly relating thereto; and if approved, set the Public Hearing for second reading and possible adoption for March 27, 2018. Community Services. (Commission District 4.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-2016 114. OrdinanceIntroduction and first reading of an ordinance, pursuant to NRS 278.0205 and WCC 110.814.40, to approve the cancellation of a series of development agreements associated with various ordinances that extended the deadlines for filing final maps in connection with tentative subdivision map case number TM05-016 (Harris Ranch Subdivision). The agreements are no longer needed and are proposed for cancellation by the developers of the applicable property because the tentative map or maps to which they correspond have since been superseded by a new tentative map or maps. Those agreements and associated ordinances include: 1) that certain Agreement recorded on August 16, 2007 as Document No. 3566290; 2) that certain Amended And Restated Agreement recorded on September 28, 2010 as Document No. 3926841; 3) that certain Ordinance Approving Second Amended and Restated Agreement (Harris Ranch) recorded on November 14, 2013 as Document No. 4298929; 4) that certain Ordinance No. 1424 recorded on September 15, 2010 as Document No. 3922552; and 5) that certain Ordinance No. 1335 recorded on Septembe   Not available Not available