Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Northern Nevada Public Health Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/26/2024 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Washoe County Administration Complex Commission Chambers, Building A
TO ATTEND VIRTUALLY OR TELEPHONICALLY PLEASE USE THE LINK/NUMBER BELOW (Please be sure to keep your devices on mute and do not place the meeting on hold) Phone: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 820 9018 1273
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-7798 1  Action ItemNOTE: This option will require a computer with audio and video capabilities. (Please be sure to keep your devices on mute and do not place the meeting on hold)   Not available Not available
TMP-9026 14. Informational ReportRecognitions. YEARS OF SERVICE i. Kelcie Atkin - Registered Dietition Nutritionist - CCHS WIC Program - 5 years 9/3/19 ii. Scott Oxarart - Public Health Communications Program Manager - ODHO - 5 years 9/3/19 iii. Stephen Shipman - Public Health Emergency Response Coordinator - EPHP - 25 years 9/20/1999 NEW HIRES i. Julieta Gallardo - CCHS Human Services Support Specialist I - 8/25/24 ii. Allan Sanchez Ramirez - CCHS Human Services Support Specialist I - 9/9/24 LATERAL MOVE i. Matthew McCarthy - From AQM Environmental Engineer II to Senior AQM Specialist - AQM - effective 9/23/24 RETIREMENTS i. Maria Rodriguez - Human Services Support Specialist II - CCHS WIC Program - 9/30/24 RESIGNATIONS i. Ian Check - Environmental Health Specialist - EHS - 8/30/24 ii. Julia Davidson - AQM Trainee - AQM - 9/13/24 HEALTH HEROES i. Donna Wainscoat - CCHS ii. Yeraldin Deavila - ODHO iii. Robert Chisel - CCHS iv. Jackie Lawson - ODHO v. IZ Core Team - Victoria Nicolson-Hornblower, Kaleigh Behrendt, Kellisa Shirane, Pia Braunstein, Charmaigne Roque - CCHS   Not available Not available
TMP-9114 15.A. ProclamationProclaim the week of September 23-27 Falls Prevention Awareness Week. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Joe Dibble, Health Educator II, Chronic Disease and Injury Prevention Program Accepted by: Ryan Gustafson, Agency Director, Washoe County Human Services Agency   Not available Not available
TMP-9152 15.B. ProclamationProclaim the month of September 2024 National Preparedness Month. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Andrea Esp   Not available Not available
TMP-6230 16. Informational ReportPublic Comment. Action may not be taken on any matter raised during this public comment period until the matter is specifically listed on an agenda as an action item. All public comment is limited to three minutes per person. Members of the public may submit public comment by either attending the meeting in person, attending the meeting via teleconference or attending by telephone only. Requests for public comment via zoom must be submitted to no later than 4:00 p.m. on the day before the scheduled meeting. Please log into the ZOOM meeting via the above link and utilize the "Raise Hand" feature during any public comment period. To provide public comment via telephone only, press *9 and *6 to mute/unmute. Reasonable efforts will be made to hear all public comment during the meeting.   Not available Not available
TMP-8931 17.A. Action ItemApproval of Draft Minutes. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)   Not available Not available
TMP-6231 17.B. Action ItemBudget Amendments/Interlocal Agreements. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)   Not available Not available
TMP-9120 17.B.1. Action ItemApprove the acceptance of funding in the amount of $15,000.00 from United Healthcare Health Plan of Nevada Medicaid to support the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) Program; approve amendments totaling an increase of $15,000.00 in both revenue and expense to the FY25 United Healthcare FIMR Donation budget, IO 29056. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez & Lisa Lottritz   Not available Not available
TMP-9119 17.B.2. Action ItemApprove the acceptance of funding in the amount of $15,000.00 from United Healthcare Health Plan of Nevada Medicaid to support the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Sexually Transmitted Disease Program and the importance of testing for syphilis during pregnancy; approve amendments totaling an increase of $15,000.00 in both revenue and expense to the FY25 United Healthcare STD Donation budget, IO#TBD. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Irene Dominguez & Lisa Lottritz   Not available Not available
TMP-9072 17.B.3. Action ItemApprove the Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health in the total amount of $896,353.00 ($89,365.30 cash match) retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 in support of the Public Health Emergency Preparedness Program (PHEP) domains according to the PHEP Cooperative Agreement, and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward, any future amendments and MOU agreements with partnering agencies. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representatives: Andrea Esp and Kristen Palmer   Not available Not available
TMP-9069 17.B.4. Action ItemApprove a Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public & Behavioral Health retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 in the total amount of $292,935.00 (no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Immunization Program and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward and any future amendment. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative-Irene Dominguez & Lisa Lottritz   Not available Not available
TMP-9128 17.B.5. Action ItemApprove the Notice of Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health in the total amount of $453,139.00 ($45,313.90 cash match) retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 in support of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Public Health Preparedness Program; approve authorization to travel and travel reimbursements for non-County employees that are Inter-Hospital Coordinating Council (IHCC) Coalition members (to be designated by IHCC leadership) in an amount not exceed the FY25 travel budget to attend the Health Care Coalition Conferences (dates to be determined); and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Notice of Subaward, any future amendments and MOU agreements with partnering agencies. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representatives: Andrea Esp and Kristen Palmer   Not available Not available
TMP-9144 17.B.6. Action ItemApprove a Subaward from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services Grants Management Unit retroactive to July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025 in the total amount of $278,938.00 (no required match) in support of the Community and Clinical Health Services Division (CCHS) Family Planning State Vaccine Program and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Subaward and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) STaff Representative: Irene Dominquez and Lisa Lottritz   Not available Not available
TMP-9118 17.B.7. Action ItemApprove the Grant Agreement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the amount of $165,598 to include $54,728 of EPA In-Kind Support retroactive to April 1, 2024 through March 31, 2025 for the Air Quality Management, EPA PM2.5 Monitoring Network Program, IO# 12350 and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the Agreement and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representatives: Francisco Vega and Kristen Palmer   Not available Not available
TMP-9106 17.C. Action ItemAcknowledge receipt of the Health Fund Financial Review for August, Fiscal Year 2025. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Jack Zenteno   Not available Not available
TMP-6563 17.D. Action ItemRecommendation for the Board to Uphold Cases Not Contested to the Air Pollution control Hearing Board. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9111 17.D.1 Action ItemRecommendation for the Board to uphold an uncontested citation issued to Aspen Earthworks, Case No. 1512, Notice of Violation No. AQMV24-0019 with a $500.00 penalty for failing to obtain a Dust Control Permit prior to the commencement of a dust generating activity. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9112 17.D.2 Action ItemRecommendation for the Board to uphold an uncontested citation issued to Thomas Creek Development, LLC, Case No. 1515, Notice of Violation No. AQMV24-0020 with a $500.00 penalty for failing to obtain a Dust Control Permit prior to the commencement of a dust generating activity. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9113 17.D.3 Action ItemRecommendation for the Board to uphold an uncontested citation issued to DP RTA Stead PH1, LLC, Case No. 1519, Notice of Violation No. AQMV24-0021 with a $500.00 penalty for failing to obtain a Dust Control Permit prior to the commencement of a dust generating activity. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-8849 19. Action ItemApprove the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Northern Nevada Public Health, in connection with its Air Quality Management Division (NNPH-AQM), and the Washoe County School District (WCSD), and award Request for Proposal (RFP) # (3261-24) to Outdoor Power for the purchase of battery powered landscaping equipment to be donated to the Washoe County School District as part of the Lawn and Garden Exchange Project and for Outdoor Power-NV to provide training services to Washoe County School District staff for the provided equipment; and authorize the FY25 Purchase Order to Outdoor Power-NV in the approximate amount of $247,211.87, and authorize the District Health Officer to execute the MOU, RFP, and any future amendments. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9130 18.A. Informational ReportRecommendation to accept the REMSA Health Monthly Franchise Report for August 2024 which includes REMSA Health Accounts Receivables Summary, Compliance by Zones, Average Response Times, Incident Details Reporting, Summary Penalty Fund Reconciliation, Ground Ambulance Operations Report, Patient Experience Report and Comments, Education Report, and Public Relations Report, and provide possible Board direction. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Presented by: Barry Duplantis   Not available Not available
TMP-8557 18.B. Action ItemDiscussion and Possible Re-Appointment of Dr. John Hardwick, Emergency Room Physician Representative to the Regional Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board for a two-year term effective September 26, 2024. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Andrea Esp   Not available Not available
TMP-9110 110. Action ItemRecommendation to Uphold the Air Pollution Control Hearing Board’s Recommendation regarding Appealed Notice of Violation No. AQMV24-0018 to issue a $1,000.00 Administrative Penalty issued to STC Ventures LLC for failure to obtain a dust control permit prior to the commencement of a dust generating activity. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9146 111. Public HearingPUBLIC HEARING for review, discussion, and possible adoption of the proposed revisions to the District Board of Health Regulations Governing Air Quality Management, Chapter 030 - Source Permitting, with associated changes to the Air Quality Management Fee Table, with an implementation date of January 1, 2025. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9134 112. Action ItemPresentation and possible acceptance of the Annual FY24 Health Equity Plan Report Results. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Camarina Augusto   Not available Not available
TMP-9095 113. Action ItemPresentation and possible acceptance of the NNPH 2024-2026 Quality Improvement Plan. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Rayona LaVoie   Not available Not available
TMP-9096 114. Action ItemPresentation and possible acceptance of the FY24 Strategic Plan Results. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Rayona LaVoie   Not available Not available
TMP-9135 115. Action ItemPresentation and possible approval of revisions to the FY24-FY26 Strategic Plan. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) Staff Representative: Rayona LaVoie   Not available Not available
TMP-9140 116.A. Informational ReportAir Quality Management - EPA and Forest Service Release Updated AirNow Fire and Smoke Map, July 2024 EPA Small Business Newsletter, Divisional Update, Program Reports, Monitoring and Planning, Permitting and Compliance Staff Representative: Francisco Vega   Not available Not available
TMP-9011 116.B. Informational ReportCommunity and Clinical Health Services - Smoke Free Multi Unit Housing; Data & Metrics; Sexual Health (Outreach and Disease Investigation), Immunizations, Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program, Reproductive and Sexual Health Services, Chronic Disease Injury Prevention Program, Maternal Child and Adolescent Health, Women Infants and Children, and Community Health Workers Staff Representative: Lisa Lottritz   Not available Not available
TMP-9126 116.C. Informational ReportEnvironmental Health Services - Program Activities for: Consumer Protection (Food Safety Plan Review & Operations, Commercial Plan Review, Foodborne Illness, Special Events, Permitted Facilities); Environmental Protection (Land Development, Safe Drinking Water, Vector-borne Disease Surveillance, Waste Management / Underground Storage Tanks). Staff Representative: Robert Fyda   Not available Not available
TMP-9129 116.D. Informational ReportEpidemiology and Public Health Preparedness - Epidemiology, Public Health Preparedness, Emergency Medical Services, Vital Statistics. Staff Representative: Dr. Nancy Diao   Not available Not available
TMP-8867 116.E. Informational ReportDistrict Health Officer Report - Northern Nevada Public Health Communications Update, Accreditation, Quality Improvement, Workforce Development, Community Health Improvement Program, Equity Projects/collaborations, Community Events, and Public Communications and Outreach. Staff Representative: Dr. Chad Kingsley   Not available Not available