Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/16/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Declaration of Canvass of Recount & Order.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-8920 16. AppearanceRecommendation to approve FY2025 University of Nevada, Reno Extension budget in the amount of $2,819,570 as presented by Holly Gaztke, Area Director of UNR Extension. Manager's Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8919 17. Informational ReportPresentation and Update on FY 23/24 Fourth Quarter Status Report for the Washoe County Regional Detention Facility to include security of the jail, conditions of confinement, staffing and medical care of inmates housed at the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Not available Not available
TMP-8894 18.A.1. DonationRecommendation to accept a donation of one (1) 2024 Interstate 6x14 Enclosed Trailer valued at [$4,900] from The Washoe County Mounted Horse Unit Auxiliary to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Mounted Horse Unit. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8888 19.A.1. MinutesApproval of minutes for the Board of County Commissioners' regular meetings of June 18, 2024, and June 25, 2024, and the special meeting of June 21, 2024. Clerk. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8754 19.B.1. Action ItemRecommendation to approve a request from the Greater Reno Community Ice Skating Association (GRCISA) to allow the association to secure financing on the ice arena building (financing will not include Washoe County land) for Phase 2 of their project as outlined in Paragraph 21 of the executed License Agreement for Operation and Maintenance dated February 14, 2023, contingent on analysis of financing documents and conditions that may be applied by the Washoe County Bond Counsel. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8737 19.C.1. Action ItemRequest for Board of County Commissioner approval for changes made to the Washoe County Audit Committee’s charter pursuant to Washoe County Code 15.545(6). Changes made to match updates to Washoe County Code. Changes include: removing the term limit for the Board of County Commissioner representative for the Audit Committee; explaining the role of the alternate member from the Board of County Commissioners; updating requirements for public members to serve; adding a provision that current Washoe County employees may not serve as public members; adding role of a vice chair; changing reviews of charter and Washoe County Code to biannual instead of periodic; adding the Chief Financial Officer as a participant; and adding professional standard that the Audit Committee complies with. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8876 19.C.2. Action ItemRecommendation to approve the reappointment of Charlene Hart pursuant to WCC Section 15.545 to fill the term beginning on July 1, 2024 and ending on June 30, 2028, for the Washoe County Audit Committee. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8877 19.C.3. Action ItemRecommendation to approve the annual schedule of audits, reviews, and workplan for the Internal Audit Division, which is required to be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their approval pursuant to Washoe County Code 15.560. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8878 19.C.4. Action ItemRecommendation to acknowledge the Annual Report from the Internal Audit Division for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Washoe County Code 15.569.4 requires the Internal Auditor to submit an annual report to the Board of County Commissioners each fiscal year indicating the audits completed with the findings and recommendations. Audits/reviews include the Washoe County Clerk’s Office - Board Records and Minutes Division, Washoe County Library System - Title Procurement Process, Washoe County Library System - Event Programming and Expenditures, Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Fees, Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Bail Procedures, and Cash Control Audit (Treasurer’s Office and Clerk’s Office). Also required is whether the corrective actions have been taken or if the areas of concern are still outstanding. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8879 19.C.5. Action ItemRecommendation to acknowledge receipt of the completed audit for the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Fees from the Internal Audit Division. The purpose of this audit was to provide assurance that the risk and all areas of improvement are identified; provide assurance there are effective and efficient internal controls; and provide recommendations to improve the control environment. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8885 19.C.6. Action ItemRecommendation to acknowledge receipt of the completed review for the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Bail Procedures from the Internal Audit Division. The purpose of this review was to provide assurance that the risk and all areas of improvement are identified; provide assurance there are effective and efficient internal controls; and provide recommendations to improve the control environment. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8861 19.D.1 Action ItemRecommendation to approve the use of General Fund Contingency in the amount of [$100,000] to implement a “Transparency and Open Checkbook” website which will display Washoe County’s vendor payments, expenditures and other financial information to the public and; if approved, direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget appropriation transfers. [Total fiscal year 2025 impact $100,000; net fiscal impact $-0-] and up to $75,000 annually for subsequent years through the annual budget process. Manager's Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8901 110. ContractRecommendation to: 1) approve a Non-Funded Cost Share Agreement between Washoe County and the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest with an estimated Washoe County non-cash contribution of [$215,510.00; $209,310.00 in personnel costs and $6,200.00 in light maintenance costs] over a 5-year period to allow Washoe County to maintain existing and future trails that cross both jurisdictions along the Sierra Front and to continue maintaining the Whites Creek, Thomas Creek Canyon, and Michael D. Thompson Trailheads; and 2) authorize the Assistant County Manager [Dave Solaro] to sign the Agreement on behalf of the County. Community Services. (Commission Districts 1 and 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8903 111. ContractRecommendation to: (1) award a bid and approve the Agreement to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Washoe County Juvenile Services Door Security Replacement Project, PWP-WA-2024-084 [staff recommends James F. Thomson, Jr. doing business as American Southwest Electric, LLC, in the amount of $1,495,334.00]; and (2) approve a separate project contingency fund [in the amount of $134,564.00] for the total construction cost not to exceed $1,629,898.00. The project is located at 650 Ferrari McLeod Boulevard, Reno, Nevada, and the scope of the project is to upgrade the existing door controls, communication, and integration of the security camera systems at the Washoe County Juvenile Services Facility. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8858 112. Action ItemRecommendation and possible action to approve the settlement between Kroger Company and the State of Nevada in the opioid litigation (State of Nevada v. McKesson Corp. et al., Case No. A-19-796755-B (Nev. Dist. Ct., Clark County) and execution by Washoe County of the “Kroger Subdivision Participation and Release Form” pursuant to the One Nevada Agreement on Allocation of Opioid Recoveries ("One Nevada Agreement") previously agreed upon for participation in settlements (entered into on July 27, 2021). The proposed settlement between Kroger and the State of Nevada is in an amount of $26,718,162 before attorney’s fees are deducted and paid over a 10-year period. Pursuant to the One Nevada Agreement, Washoe County will receive an estimated annual allocation of $100,043.47 for 10 years. District Attorney. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8869 113. Action ItemRecommendation to approve budget amendments totaling an increase of [$2,419,345] in both revenues and expenditures to the FY25 Mobile Crisis Response Team program within the Child Protective Services Fund (F228) and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8899 114. Action ItemDiscussion and direction to staff regarding potential Bill Draft Requests (BDRs) for the 83rd (2025) Session of the Nevada Legislature. The subject(s) of potential BDRs to be considered include changes to NRS Chapters 239 and 259 to clarify that certain records of a Medical Examiner/Coroner are public records and to clarify that certain records of a Medical Examiner/Coroner are confidential and are not public records, changes to NRS Chapters 239 and 293 to establish that records of voter signatures held by a County Clerk or Registrar of Voters for purposes of establishing or validating voter registration are not public records, to add to NRS Chapter 482 the requirement for the Department of Motor Vehicles, in cooperation with Washoe County to design, prepare and issue a specialty license plate for the support of programs benefiting the Truckee River, to submit a recommendation to the Legislative Committee for the Review and Oversight of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System to amend chapter 432, Statutes of Nevada, 1999 to require the Reno-Sparks Conve   Not available Not available
TMP-8914 115. ResolutionRecommendation to deobligate previously approved allocations of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds through the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) for projects that have been completed under budget, been cancelled, or no longer need the previously approved levels of funding: District Attorney's Office Court Case Backlog Personnel by $1,516,778.46. Recommendation to approve transfer of collected 12% indirect on salary from eligible approved projects from January 1, 2024, through June 31, 2024, totaling $52,817.83. These include Public Defender Personnel $27,916.10; Human Services Agency Personnel $8,828.58; Second Judicial District Court $4,734.54; Juvenile Services Mental Health $4,685.64 and ARPA Admin Personnel $6,652.97. And, if approved, direction to the Comptroller’s Office to make necessary net zero cross-fund and/or cross-functional budget appropriation transfers and unbudgeted transfers. Manager’s Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8912 116. ContractRecommendation to approve the three-year agreement and approve the payment for the Fiscal Year 2025 (July 2024-June 2025) software and support of the Palo Alto Networks for Maintenance and Support Services, in the amount of [$558,438.74], for the Palo Alto Networks software maintenance and support. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8895 117. ContractRecommendation to award Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 3226-24 for medical services - Sheriff’s Office Personnel to the only bidder ARC Health and Wellness Centers, Reno, NV. in the estimated annual amount of $396,434, ($1,189,302 for the duration of the contract) and if approved, retroactively authorize, on behalf of the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office; and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Manager to execute a three-year agreement, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2027, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods at the sole discretion of the County. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8896 118. ContractRecommendation to 1) award Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 3223-24 for inmate medical services for the Washoe County Detention Facility to the highest scoring bidder NaphCare, Inc. in the amount of [$13,502,694.24] for year 1, and [$14,177,828.88] for year 2 and 2) approve the use of General Fund Contingency in an amount up to but not to exceed [$1,300,000] to increase expenditure authority within the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office departmental budget for detention medical services for unbudgeted expenditures for Fiscal Year 2025 in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 354.598005 and; if approved, retroactively authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Manager to execute a two-year agreement, July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, with the option to renew for two (2) additional two (2) year periods at the sole discretion of the County and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget appropriation transfers as needed [Total fiscal year 2025 impact up to $1,300,000, contract is fully budgeted for FY25]. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8866 119. OrdinanceIntroduce and conduct a first reading of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 110 (Development Code), in Article 319, (Short Term Rentals (STRs)) by modifying various sections in order to clarify maximum occupancy limitations associated with an STR permit; limit STRs to one per parcel in the Tahoe Planning Area; prohibit new STRs in accessory dwellings in the Tahoe Planning Area; clarify when an STR permit must be relinquished; remove requirement for an outdoor fireplace permit from the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District; allow for an updated STR permit renewal date via payment of a pro-rated renewal fee; remove the requirement for a signed notary for STR renewal applications; clarify that a new STR permit is required with each change of parcel ownership; grant a 30 day automatic grace period for renewals with a possible additional 30 day discretionary grace period that may be granted by the Director of Planning and Building; and clarify violation and revocation regulations; and by amending Washoe County Code Chapter 125 (Administrative Enforcement Code) to reduce t   Not available Not available
TMP-8887 120. OrdinanceIntroduce and conduct a first reading of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 110 (Development Code) in Article 438 Grading Standards, Article 810 Special Use Permits, and Article 902 Definitions to update provisions related to grading. The amendments include: deleting sections in Article 438 related to Grading Fees, Definitions, Grading of Slopes, Cuts, Fills, and Phasing and Stabilization of Grading; revising existing sections in Article 438 related to Scope, Required Permits, Exempted Work, Major Grading Permit Thresholds, Major Grading Permit Application Requirements, Minor Grading Permit Thresholds, Minor Grading Permit Application Requirements, Financial Security for Grading, Unpermitted Grading, Stop Activity Orders, Notice of Violations and Enforcement, Penalties and Procedures, Grading & Retaining Walls Within Setbacks, Drainage and Terracing, Erosion Control, Grading Inspections, Notification of Completion of Work, Grading Within Floodplains, Drainage Ways and Closed Hydrologic Basins; and adding sections in Article 438 related to Grading Standards and Rockery W   Not available Not available
TMP-8891 121. Action ItemDiscussion and possible reconsideration of June 18, 2024, approval of Commission District Special Fund disbursement for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 in the form of a [$10,000.00] grant to the Reno Toy Run -- a nonprofit organization created for religious, charitable or educational purposes -- to support their mission of providing toys for children in need. If the board votes in favor of this item, it would result in its previous approval being rescinded and the funding would not be approved or disbursed. Manager's Office. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8924 122. Action ItemMotion to reconsider decision not to canvass the recount made at Board of County Commissioners Meeting on July 9, 2024 and recommendation to declare canvass of the recount vote for the recount of the County Commission, District 4 Republican race (demanded by candidate Mark A. Lawson), and the recount of the School Board Trustee, District G At-Large race (demanded by candidate Paul D. White). Pursuant to NRS 293.387 and NAC 293.365, the Board is required to canvass the results of the recount, by which any errors within the election results are officially noted and the official results are declared. If approved, the Board shall order the Registrar of Voters to certify the abstract of the results and transmit a copy of the certified abstract to the Secretary of State. Voters. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8890 123. OrdinancePublic Hearing: Second reading and possible adoption of an Ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 110 (Development Code) by modifying various sections in Division Two-Area Plan Regulations, Division Four-Development Standards, and Division Nine-General Provisions, in order to update regulations related to allowed residential uses in the Spanish Springs Planning Area, maximum height restrictions in the Sun Valley Planning Area, multifamily parking minimums, bike parking, turf requirements, common and private open space, and definitions. These updates include modifying various sections to: remove Table C-1 which modifies allowed residential uses in the Spanish Springs Planning Area; remove a subsection limiting structures in the downtown Sun Valley Planning Area to two stories in height; update minimum off-street parking space requirements for multifamily housing; update requirements for bicycle storage by removing requirements for bicycle parking spaces, by adding design standards for short and long-term bicycle storage, by adding design requirements for bicycle racks, and by r   Not available Not available
TMP-8886 124. OrdinancePublic Hearing: Second reading and possible adoption of an ordinance pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 278.0201 through 278.0207 approving a development agreement between Washoe County and LC Highland, LLC, for Highland Village, a residential subdivision (Tentative Subdivision Map Case No. WTM20-004). The purpose of the development agreement is to extend the deadline for recording the first final map from November 16, 2024, to November 16, 2026, and to adopt amended conditions of approval (WAC24-0004). The project is located north of Highland Ranch Pkwy. and north of Midnight Drive in Sun Valley. The project encompasses a total of approximately 54.6 acres, and the total number of residential lots allowed by the approved tentative map is 215. The parcels are located within the Sun Valley Planning Area and Washoe County Commission District No. 5. (APN: 508-020-41 and 508-020-43). If approved, authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign the Development Agreement. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8893 125. OrdinancePublic Hearing: Second reading and possible adoption of an ordinance pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 278.0201 through 278.0207 approving a development agreement between Washoe County and Mesa View Reno, LLC, for Sun Mesa, a residential subdivision (Tentative Subdivision Map Case No. TM04-001). The purpose of the development agreement is to extend the deadline for recording the next final map from April 28, 2024, to April 28, 2025, and to adopt amended conditions of approval (WAC24-0005). The project is located along the eastern terminus of Sun Valley Drive and Rising Ridge Drive in Sun Valley. The project encompasses a total of approximately 24.89 acres, and the total number of residential lots allowed by the approved tentative map is 207 with 149 lots recorded and 58 lots remaining to be recorded. The parcel is located within the Sun Valley Planning Area and Washoe County Commission District No. 3. (APN: 504-460-03.) If approved, authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to sign the Development Agreement. Community Services. (Commission District 3.) FOR POS   Not available Not available
TMP-8870 126. OrdinanceConduct a second reading, public hearing, and possible adoption an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 20 (Revenue and Taxation) by amending various sections to: change bidding increments from $300 to $500.00 for base bids in excess of $5001.00 for sales of tax delinquent properties; require the completed winning bidder form be submitted along with payment; change the contribution to the county general fund from ten percent of the next $2,000 of the excess proceeds to ten percent of the next $10,000.00; change the time period in which a claimant may make a claim for excess proceeds from two years to one year; update a statutory citation; and amend sections to gender-neutral language. If supported, adopt and enact the new ordinance by title. (No Fiscal Impact). Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-8865 127. Public HearingPublic hearing, second reading, and adoption of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code (WCC) Chapter 45 (Public Welfare). The Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services took over all child care licensing activities for Washoe County effective July 1, 2024. The proposed ordinance will: (1) reflect that change in WCC; (2) allow for consistent statewide enforcement of NRS and NAC 432A; and (3) streamline federal reporting requirements for child care licensing activities and funding. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available