Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location:
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: ITEM 16. Presentation, Item 12
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-9434 15. ResolutionPresentation by George Robison to briefly outline the purpose of Truckee River Flood Management Authority, their various functions and Capital Improvement Plan. (All Commission Districts.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Not available Not available
TMP-9508 16. AppearancePresentation by Dr. Chad Kingsley, District Health Officer, to give an overview of Northern Nevada Public Health. (All Commission Districts.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Not available Not available
TMP-9593 17. Informational ReportPresentation and Update on FY 25 Second Quarter Status Report for the Washoe County Regional Detention Facility to include security of the jail, conditions of confinement, staffing and medical care of inmates housed at the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office and an update on the camping ordinance, including but not limited to enforcement, outcomes, efforts to defer enforcement, and resource levels. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Not available Not available
TMP-9502 18.A.1. DonationRecommendation to: (1) accept various items donated totaling an estimated market value of [$7,243.00]; and (2) accept donations from various donors to Washoe County Human Services Agency Child Protective Services Fund to support welfare activities in the amount of [$24,396.10] retroactive for the period July 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024; and direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9503 18.A.2. DonationRecommendation to: (1) accept various items donated totaling an estimated market value of [$12,627.00]; and (2) accept donations from various donors to the Human Services Agency Senior Services Fund used to support seniors in our community in the amount of [$220.55] retroactive for the period July 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024; and direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9504 18.A.3. DonationRecommendation to: (1) accept various items donated totaling an estimated market value of [$17,274.00]; and (2) accept donations from various donors to Washoe County Human Services Agency Homelessness Fund to support welfare activities in the amount of [$1,000.00] retroactive for the period of July 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024; and direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9483 18.B.1. DonationRecommendation to accept such generously donated funds in an amount estimated to be approximately $32,400 from the estate of Jackie D. Diggle, to be used for the humane care and treatment of sick and/or injured, stray, abandoned, or at-risk animals; if accepted, authorize the Washoe County Treasurer’s Office to establish a temporary IRA liquidation account with U.S. Bank to receive donated funds; and direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Regional Animal Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9507 19.A.1. ResolutionRecommendation to approve a resolution supporting the use of State of Nevada affordable housing trust funds for a 142-unit affordable housing development identified as the “Afton Senior Housing” project within the City of Sparks. Community Services. (Commission District 4.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9518 19.A.2. ContractRecommendation to approve an Amendment to Lease Agreement for the occupancy of Sober 24, consisting of 8,467 square feet, located at 1530 East 6th Street, Reno, Nevada, between Song Properties, LLC, and Washoe County, exercising an option to renew for a 36-month term commencing March 1, 2025, through February 28, 2028 [$115,516.31 annually with a 3% annual increases], and adding an additional 36-month option to renew. Community Services. (Commission District 3.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9520 19.A.3. ResolutionAuthorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to execute a Resolution declaring Washoe County’s intent to convey to Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA), a joint powers authority entity created pursuant to a cooperative agreement among the cities of Reno, Nevada, Sparks, Nevada and Washoe County, Nevada, pursuant to NRS Chapter 277, approximately 479.774 acres of land commonly known as American Flats (APN 079-332-37 and 079-332-36), with a taxable total value of $479,780, without consideration as authorized in NRS 244.284. If ultimately approved, the conveyance would contribute to the OneWater Nevada Advanced Purified Water (APW) Facility, an initiative to diversify the region’s water supply. TMWA is required to operate the property for civic purposes for the community on terms specified in the Grant, Bargain and Sale Deed and if the property ever ceased being so used, it would revert automatically to the county. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9521 19.A.4. ResolutionRecommendation to approve an MOU that creates a framework for a cooperative effort to support common goals and interests in planning, design, and construction of the Lake Tahoe Path System (Bikeway) and associated facilities as identified in the 2019 Assembly Bill 84, Section 2.9. (AB84) and Chapter 480 of the 2019 Statutes of Nevada. This partnership will be known as the Tahoe East Shore Working Group (WG). The WG will serve to ensure coordinated planning, specifically directed towards the regional, interconnected, recreational shared-use Bikeway and associated facilities at Lake Tahoe. Community Services. (Commission District 1.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9522 19.A.5. ContractRecommendation to approve an agreement between Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation (TMPF) and Washoe County for the on-going upkeep and maintenance of the three disc golf courses within Washoe County Parks at Rancho, South Valleys, and Sun Valley Regional Parks in exchange for Washoe County waiving fees associated with up to six disc golf events per year, for the term of 5 years, commencing March 1, 2025 and expiring February 28, 2030, valued up to $1350 annually ($225/per event) and authorize the Director of the Community Services Department to sign the agreements on behalf of Washoe County. Community Services. (Commission Districts 2 and 3.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9526 19.B.1. Informational ReportRecommendation to acknowledge receipt of the Interim Financial Report for Washoe County Governmental Funds for the Six Months Ended December 31, 2024 recognizing a total funds balance increase of $31 million year-to-date and $4 million year over year. This unaudited interim financial report is provided quarterly, in addition to the audited annual comprehensive financial report, to provide information on Washoe County’s primary operating fund and accounts and identify significant variances between the years. - Unaudited Comptroller. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9427 19.C.1. Action ItemReview and approval of revisions to the Washoe County Employee Lobbying Policy; State Legislature. The policy provides guidelines and requirements for all County officers, employees and contract lobbyists while engaged in legislative and lobbying activities with the State of Nevada Legislature and its members. The proposed revisions to the policy are intended to update the policy to conform with the requirements and definitions established in Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) Chapter 218H - Lobbying, which has been revised several times since Board adoption of the current policy in October 2012. Additional revisions are recommended for form, clarity, and to remove gendered language from the policy. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9490 19.C.2. Informational ReportWashoe County Federal Legislative Activity report for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2024 created in accordance with Washoe County Federal Legislative Principles and Lobbying Practices for the 118th United States Congress. This item provides a summary of federal legislative activities of county staff, contract lobbyists, and elected officials during the fourth quarter of 2024, including but not limited to contacts with the members and staff of Nevada’s congressional delegation on matters such as updates on federal lands bills, natural disaster events in Washoe County, the availability and affordability of fire insurance for Nevada property owners, the November 2024 general election, and possible requests for Congressionally Directed Spending for Federal Fiscal Year 2026. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Not available Not available
TMP-9494 19.C.3. ResolutionRecommendation to approve, pursuant to NRS 244.1505, Commission District Special Fund disbursement in the amount of [$11,325.00] for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; District 3 Commissioner Mariluz Garcia recommends a [$10,325.00] grant to Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful (KTMB) - a nonprofit organization created for charitable, religious, or educational purposes - for the purpose of supporting the organization’s continued partnership with HERO Environmental, who provided hazardous household waste removal for the Sun Valley Drop-Off in November 2024; and a [$1,000.00] grant to Procter Hug High School - a government entity - to support the leadership class and their efforts to get the youth involved in the community; approve Resolutions necessary for same; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary disbursements of funds. Manager. (Commission District 3.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9497 19.C.4. ResolutionRecommendation to approve, pursuant to NRS 244.1505, Commission District Special Fund disbursement in the amount of [$20,000.00] for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; District 5 Commissioner Jeanne Herman recommends a [$10,000.00] grant to the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) -- a government entity -- to support the North Valleys Cleanup Program and waste removal such as abandoned vehicles; and a [$5,000.00] grant to Spanish Springs High School -- a government entity -- to support the Spanish Springs High School JROTC program; and a [$5,000.00] grant to Truckee Meadow Fire Protection District -- a government entity -- to support the cleanup of Quartz Lane and other cleanup projects; approve Resolutions necessary for same; and direct Finance to make the necessary net zero cross fund, cross function and/or intrafund budget appropriation transfers and disbursement of funds. Manager. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9545 19.D.1. GrantRecommendation to accept a Justice Assistance Grant award [amount not to exceed $57,284.00, no County match required] as administered through the State of Nevada Department of Public Safety Office, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance, to cover the cost of ballistic helmets, ballistic plates, plate carriers and accessories for the Consolidated Bomb Squad, Special Operations Division, for the retroactive grant period of January 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025; authorize the Sheriff to retroactively execute the award document; and if approved, direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9501 19.E.1. Action ItemRecommendation to approve the Refund of Surplus Assessment Funds pursuant to NRS 271.429 in the net amount of [$189,491.32] for the twenty-seven (27) properties in Special Assessment District #29 - Mt. Rose Sewer Phase 1. (No Fiscal Impact to the General Fund). Treasurer. (Commission District 1 and 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9523 110. Action ItemDiscussion and possible direction to staff regarding the disposition of a deteriorating 6-foot tall, 1,151 foot long, precast concrete-panel wall (concrete panel wall), located along the interface of the Arrowcreek Parkway within Washoe County right-of-way and along the rear-property line of 14 residential lots, beginning at 13430 Fieldcreek Lane and ending at 13560 Fieldcreek Lane. The concrete-panel wall is located on Arrowcreek Parkway within Washoe County right-of-way and was constructed by Southwest Pointe Development in 1999 as part of the offsite improvements for the Arrowcreek residential development. Possible approaches include repair, replacement or removal with associated costs estimates ranging between $75,000.00 and $400,000.00 and considerations for the transfer of ownership from Washoe County to the abutting individual residential properties. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9525 111. ContractRecommendation to: (1) award a bid and approve the Agreement to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the WCSO HU9 HVAC, PWP-WA- 2024-442 [staff recommends Mt Rose Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc., in the amount of $1,629,000.00]; and (2) approve a separate project contingency fund [in the amount of $81,450] for the total construction cost not to exceed $1,710,450. The project is located at 911 Parr Blvd, Reno, Nevada, and the scope of the project is the selective demolition of existing HVAC equipment, ducts, controls and appurtenances and the installation of new HVAC systems equipment, devices and controls including modifications and extensions of existing utility services for detention center housing unit 9. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9567 112. ResolutionDiscussion and possible direction to 1) affirm the November 14, 2023 adoption of Resolution R23-149 that suspended the Golden Valley Artificial Recharge Program (Artificial Recharge Program) participant fee collection from January 1, 2024, through December 31, 2033, continued minimal field activities in support of a groundwater injection permit, and required all Program participants to bring any past due accounts current through the processes identified in Ordinance 1548, or, 2) possible direction to staff to develop a plan to terminate the Artificial Recharge Program which includes consideration for monetizing and disbursement of all Program fund assets to the existing Artificial Recharge Program participants, total fund balance including water rights/credits sale estimated at $1.2 million, and other related matters as required, or, 3) possible other direction to staff. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9570 113. Action ItemRecommendation to accept the County Manager’s recommendation to appoint Andrew McDonald as the Washoe County Registrar of Voters, effective February 11, 2025, with an annual salary of $175,240; and, if approved, to direct the Washoe County Clerk within 10 days of February 11, 2025, to certify the new appointment of a Registrar of Voters to the Secretary of State’s Office. This appointment is pursuant to NRS 244.164. Voters. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9571 114. Informational ReportDiscussion and direction to staff regarding legislation or legislative issues proposed by legislators, by Washoe County, or by other entities permitted by the Nevada State Legislature to submit bill draft requests, or such legislative issues as may be deemed by the Chair or the Board to be of critical significance to Washoe County. Pending legislative bills can be located here: <>. Current bills the County is tracking that may be reported on or discussed are listed under Government Affairs at . Due to time constraints inherent in the legislative process, a list of specific bills that staff will seek direction from the Commission on during this item will be posted on the web site under Government Affairs at by 6:00 p.m. the Friday before the meeting. Due to the rapid pace of the legislative session, additional bills upon which comment may be sought from the Board of    Not available Not available
TMP-9495 115. Public HearingPublic Hearing: Master Plan Amendment Case Number WMPA24-0004 & Regulatory Zone Amendment Case Number WRZA24-0006 (Empire). Consideration of the Planning Commission’s recommendation to: (1) Adopt an amendment to the Washoe County Master Plan, High Desert Master Plan Land Use Map, to change the master plan land use designation on an ±11.55-acre parcel (APN: 071-120-11) from Suburban Residential (SR) to Commercial (C); and if approved, authorize the chair to sign a resolution to this effect; and (2) Subject to final approval of the associated master plan amendment and a finding of conformance with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan, recommend adoption of an amendment to the High Desert Regulatory Zone Map to change the regulatory zone for an ±11.55-acre parcel (APN: 071-120-11) from Low Density Suburban (LDS- 1 unit per acre) to General Commercial (GC); and if approved, authorize the chair to sign a resolution to this effect. The applicant and property owner is Joseph Rutski. The subject parcel is located at 70200 State Route 447. The Board of County Commissioners may adopt th   Not available Not available
TMP-9509 116. Public HearingPublic Hearing: Appeal of the Washoe County Board of Adjustment’s denial of special use permit case number WSUP24-0015 (Bryan Canyon Grading) for major grading resulting in up to 6-acres of land disturbance, 14,754 cy of cut & 14,753 cy of fill, to create a dam structure to build a pond and rectify past illegal grading. The appellant and property owner is SC Advisors, LLC. The subject parcel is located at 0 Bryan Canyon Road (APN 055-301-38), has a master plan designation of Rural (R) and a regulatory zone designation of General Rural (GR). The Board of County Commissioners (Board) shall consider the appeal based on the record on appeal and any additional evidence submitted at the Board’s public hearing. The Board may affirm, modify or reverse the Board of Adjustment’s decision. If the Board reverses the Board of Adjustment’s decision, the Board may remand the matter back to the Board of Adjustment or directly grant the special use permit. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available