Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/14/2025 10:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Item #11
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-9456 15. Informational ReportPresentation and possible direction to staff of the Washoe County Financial Outlook for Fiscal Year 2026 and Budget. The overview includes a review of the General Fund’s financial results for Fiscal Year 2024, a Mid-Year 2025 review, and economic, revenue and expenditure trends, Board of County Commissioner strategic goals, known cost increases, unquantified/outstanding cost impacts, and a general outlook for Fiscal Year 2026 and Budget. Finance. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9453 16.A.1. DonationRecommendation to accept a donation from FTFT LLC, Hammer & Nails Regional to Washoe County Human Services Agency Child Protective Services Fund to support Have A Heart Washoe, which provides safe and stable foster and adoptive homes for children and teens in Washoe County Foster Care, in the amount of [$9,165.56] retroactive for December 16, 2024; and direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9420 17.A.1. Informational ReportWashoe County Law Library Annual Report for fiscal year 2024, including the following elements of Law Library operations: funding, collection, and personnel. District Court. (All Commission Districts.)   Not available Not available
TMP-9419 17.A.2. Informational ReportRecommendation to appoint one attorney member and one non-attorney member to the Law Library Board of Trustees. It is recommended that Michael V. Kattelman serve as an attorney member and be reappointed for a two-year term expiring on January 31, 2027, and Aurora Partridge serve as a non-attorney member, reappointed for a two-year term expiring January 31, 2027. Candidates will satisfy the attorney position and non-attorney position required for the Law Library Board of Trustees. Michael V. Kattelman (incumbent) was the only applicant for the attorney position. Applicants for the non-attorney position include Jodi Michelle Bennett and Aurora Partridge (incumbent). District Court. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9320 17.B.1. AppointmentRecommendation to appoint to the Washoe County Senior Advisory Board Benecia Price [District 4] to the full term ending December 31, 2028, Edward Lamb [District 4] to the partial term ending August 31, 2025, Craig Bronzan [Alternate] to the partial term ending August 31, 2025, and Joellen Keil [Alternate] to the partial term ending June 30, 2025. All terms would be effective immediately. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9418 17.B.2. GrantRecommendation to accept a FY25 Federal Title IV-B 1 sub-grant award from the State of Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$62,004.00; $20,668.00 county match] retroactive from October 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 to improve outcomes for children and families involved with Washoe County Human Services Agency; authorize the Director of the Human Services Agency to execute the grant and related documents; and direct the Finance office to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9424 17.B.3. GrantRecommendation to accept a FY25 John H. Chafee Foster Care Program subgrant award from the State of Nevada, Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) in the amount of [$252,756.00; $63,189.00 county match], retroactive from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 to support youth who are aging out of the foster care system in Washoe County with achieving greater independence as adults; authorize the Director of the Human Services Agency to execute the grant award and related documents; and direct the Finance office to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9433 17.B.4. GrantRecommendation to accept a grant award from Community Solutions International for the Built for Zero Housed for the Holidays program to address unique barriers for homeless veterans to housing and to promote stability that other resources cannot cover; in the amount of [$30,000.00, no county match] retroactive to December 2, 2024 through March 2, 2025; authorize the Director of the Human Services Agency to retroactively execute the award document; and direct Finance to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9429 17.C.1. Action ItemRecommendation to acknowledge and approve, effective January 27, 2025, for Incline Justice Court, two (2) reclassifications and two (2) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) changes. Reclassify Judge’s Administrative Assistant position (70000360), pay grade J150, to new classification Justice Court Administrator-Incline, pay grade J190 [$39,324- offset with reduction in intermittent hourly budget and other position changes]; Court Clerk Lead position (70008744), pay grade J150, to Court Clerk, pay grade J140 [savings $9,005]. Reduce the current 1.0 FTE Interpreter/Clerk position (70000136) to 0.80 FTE [savings $21,197]; increase the current 0.65 FTE Deputy Clerk III position (70009155) to 0.80 FTE [$17,947] and authorize Human Resources to make the necessary changes [net fiscal impact savings $-0-]. Incline Justice Court. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9443 17.D.1. GrantRecommendation to approve and accept Federal 2024 Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grant-In-Aid Award funds from the State of Nevada to the Washoe County Library System in the amount of $66,120.00 [$6,612.00 County match] for a retroactive term of September 1, 2024, to September 30, 2025, for the purchase of equipment to create technology-equipped conference rooms at the Incline Village and Spanish Springs Libraries, and install mobile conference solutions at five additional libraries; if approved, to authorize Finance to make the necessary amendments to the Washoe County Library System’s Fiscal Year 25 budget to reflect the receipt and use of the grant funds. Library. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9451 17.D.2. GrantRecommendation to approve and accept Entrepreneurship & Libraries Conference (ELC) Pitch Competition grant funds in the amount of $1,000.00 [$350.00 County match] for a retroactive term of June 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025, for the purchase and installation of a bicycle repair station at the Sparks Library; if approved, to authorize Finance to make the necessary amendments to the Washoe County Library System’s Fiscal Year 25 budget to reflect the receipt and use of the grant funds. Library. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9427 17.E.1. Action ItemReview and approval of revisions to the Washoe County Employee Lobbying Policy; State Legislature. The policy provides guidelines and requirements for all County officers, employees and contract lobbyists while engaged in legislative and lobbying activities with the State of Nevada Legislature and its members. The proposed revisions to the policy are intended to update the policy to conform with the requirements and definitions established in Nevada Revised Statues (NRS) Chapter 218H - Lobbying, which has been revised several times since Board adoption of the current policy in October 2012. Additional revisions are recommended for form, clarity, and to remove gendered language from the policy. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9449 17.E.2. ResolutionRecommendation to approve, pursuant to NRS 244.1505, Commission District Special Fund disbursement in the amount of [$65,000.00] for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; District 5 Commissioner Jeanne Herman recommends a [$10,000.00] grant to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada -- a nonprofit organization created for religious, charitable, or educational purposes -- to support the program’s efforts to provide food for families in need throughout the region, specifically through the organization’s Mobile Harvest program; and a [$10,000.00] grant to the Washoe County Human Service Agency - a government entity -- to support the Men’s CrossRoads program; and a [$10,000.00] grant to Safe Embrace -- a non-profit organization created for religious, charitable or educational purposes -- to support stabilization and relocation services for victims of domestic violence; and a [$10,000.00] grant to Nevada Veterans Coalition -- a nonprofit organization created for charitable, religious, or educational purposes -- to support the mission of honoring all veterans’ past, present and future; and a [$5,000.00] grant t   Not available Not available
TMP-9421 17.F.1. Informational ReportRecommendation to acknowledge Receipt of Status Report of Commissary Fund set up per NRS 211.360 to be utilized for the welfare and benefit of the inmates for items such as counseling, chaplaincy services, vocational training, and certifications programs for inmates in the jail, submitted by the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office Commissary Committee for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2025. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Not available Not available
TMP-9422 17.F.2. ContractRecommendation to authorize the Sheriff’s Office to revise the fingerprinting fee from $40.25 to $39.00 [no cost to County] retroactive to January 1, 2025, to match the fingerprinting processing fee charged by the State of Nevada. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9423 17.F.3. ContractRecommendation to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) access agreement between Renown Health and Washoe County Sheriff’s Office to allow Washoe County Sheriff’s Office RAVEN Unit to have access to Renown Health’s helipad facilities for the purpose of patient transport and authorize the Sheriff to sign the Cooperative Agreement MOU. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9371 17.G.1. Action ItemRecommendation to approve the reimbursement of costs incurred by the City of Sparks, the City of Reno, and Washoe County for expenses related to and in support of the Enhanced 911 Emergency Response System and portable event recording devices, as recommended by the 911 Emergency Response Advisory Committee on November 21, 2024, in an amount not to exceed [$199,594.76] as specified within the adopted Enhanced 911 Fund’s operating budget. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9454 18. ContractRecommendation to, (1) award a bid and approve the Agreement to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the Melio Gaspari Water Park Safety Improvements Project, PWP-WA-2024-439 [staff recommends Sullivan Structures, LLC), for the base bid in the amount of $497,110]; and (2) approve a separate project contingency fund [in the amount of $49,710] for a total construction cost not to exceed $546,820. The Project is located at 7100 Pyramid Way, Sparks, Nevada, and the scope of work is to design, and construct upgraded safety and maintenance features for the Melio Gaspari Water Play Park. Safety upgrades include the construction of the mechanical system cover/structure, redesign and installation of certain portions of mechanical system (i.e., water pumps, chlorination pumps, acid pumps, surge tank) to meet the latest health code standards and (3) if approved, direct Finance to make the necessary net-zero cross-fund budget appropriation transfers (net-zero impact, no additional funding is being requested). Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9426 19. Action ItemPossible discussion and approval of the 2025 Washoe County State Legislative Principles, including an update and direction to staff regarding the 83rd Session of the Nevada Legislature. The principles are meant to serve as a framework of guidance to staff, lobbyists and elected officials in representing the County before the Nevada Legislature and provide a means to advance and protect the County’s interests on state-level issues. Among other things, they address legislative, regulatory, administrative and fiscal impact issues that may arise during the legislative session. Approval of principles may include but is not necessarily limited to the following overarching categories: effective communication, respect for governmental roles in delivering quality public service, and economic strength and diversity. Manager. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9428 110. Action ItemPossible discussion and approval of Washoe County’s Federal Legislative Principles and Lobbying Practices, including an update and direction to staff regarding the 119th Congress. The principles and practices are meant to serve as guidance to staff, lobbyists, and elected officials in representing the County before the United States Congress, the Executive Branch and Federal Agencies and to provide a means to advance and protect the County’s interests on issues at the federal level, including health and human services, land use management, capital projects, emergency preparedness, and election administration. Among other things, the principles address legislative, regulatory, administrative, and fiscal impact issues that may arise during the 119th Congress and the County’s practices as it conducts lobbying activities to advance the County’s interests. Approval of these principles and practices may include but is not necessarily limited to the following overarching categories: fiscal sustainability, economic impacts, vulnerable populations, and innovative services. Manager. (All Comm   Not available Not available
TMP-9452 111. ContractRecommendation to retroactively approve the Detention Services Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Washoe and the United States Marshals Service to house Federal Prisoners at the Washoe County Detention Facility, [to increase per diem rate from $109 to $160 and guard/transportation hourly rate from $34 to $82.92; estimated $1,622,424 in fiscal year 2025 and $1,769,917 per year thereafter in additional revenues for Washoe County, based on an estimated daily population of 95 U.S. Marshal's Service, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Bureau of Indian Affairs inmates; and if approved, authorize the Chair to execute the Agreement. Sheriff. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Not available Not available
TMP-9455 112. ResolutionPublic Hearing to : (1) consider objections to Resolution of Intent to Lease (R24-116); and (2) possible action to approve the Ground Lease between Northern Nevada Youth Golf Foundation, d/b/a First Tee Northern Nevada, a corporation for public benefit under NRS chapter 82, approximately 39.05 acres of land commonly known as the Wildcreek Golf Course on Sullivan Lane in Sparks, Nevada (a portion of APN 035-080-04) without consideration as authorized in NRS 244.284 for an initial term of 30 years; and (3) if approved, possible action to approve Amendment #1 to the Golf Course Development Agreement dated July 25, 2022, between Washoe County and Northern Nevada Youth Golf Foundation, d/b/a as First Tee Northern Nevada; and (4) if approved, First Tee will continue to be required to operate the golf course for charitable and affordable golf for the community on the terms specified in the purchase and sale agreement and related documents, and if the property ever ceases being so used, it will revert automatically to Washoe County. Community Services. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE A   Not available Not available