Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/19/2023 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: 2023-09-19 BCC Minutes 2023-09-19 BCC Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: UPDATED_ ITEM 16 Lobbyist Regulation Ordinance _09.19.23, UPDATED_ ITEM 8 Preparedness Presentation BCC 9.19.23, ITEM_15 - UPDATED - TMPLMA Resolution, Agenda Item 4
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TMP-7823 16.A.1. DonationRecommendation to: (1) accept item donated totaling an estimated market value of [$50.00]; and (2) accept donation from Grace Community Church, a non-profit religious organization, to Washoe County Human Services Agency Homelessness Fund to support welfare activities in the amount of [$20,000.00] retroactive for the period July 1, 2023 through July 31, 2023; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7824 16.A.2. DonationRecommendation to: (1) accept various items donated totaling an estimated market value of [$2,065.00]; and (2) accept donations from various donors to Washoe County Human Services Agency Child Protective Services Fund to support welfare activities in the amount of [$56,131.39] retroactive for the period July 1, 2023 through July 31, 2023; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7825 16.A.3. DonationRecommendation to: (1) accept various items donated totaling an estimated market value of [$15,541.93]; and (2) accept a donation from a donor to the Human Services Agency - Senior Services Fund used to support seniors in our community in the amount of [$500.00] retroactive for the period July 1, 2023 through July 31, 2023; and direct the Comptroller to make the necessary budget amendments. Human Services Agency. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7897 17.A.1. Informational ReportAcknowledge the communications and reports received by the Clerk on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, including the following categories: Communications; Monthly Statements/Reports; Annual Statements/Reports. Clerk. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7873 17.B.1. Informational ReportRecommendation to acknowledge receipt of the audit procedure materials from the County’s external auditor Eide Bailly, LLP which provides an overview of the plan for the audit of the financial statements and schedule of expenditures of federal awards of Washoe County as of and for the year ended June 30, 2023, including a summary of the nature, scope, and timing of the planned audit work. Comptroller. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7871 17.C.1. Action ItemRecommendation to accept the Energizing Rural Communities Prize Phase One Partner from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations in the amount of [$100,000; no County match] retroactive for the period of July 14, 2023 through June 30, 2024; retroactively authorize the County Manager to execute the prize award documents; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary budget amendments. This award program is meant to incentivize the development of clean energy projects in rural or remote areas of the United States. The prize offers funding to kickstart development of clean energy projects and is intended to incentivize competitors to take the first steps necessary to develop a clean energy project. This project will assess needs, identify and evaluate resources, and put together a conceptual plan for a future renewable-energy system in the Gerlach area that is inspired by the people of Gerlach, informed by world-class energy expertise, and powered by cutting-edge technology. Manager's Office. (Commission District 5.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7914 17.C.2. ResolutionRecommendation to approve, pursuant to NRS 244.1505, Commission District Special Fund disbursement in the amount of [$12,000.00] for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; District 1 Commissioner Alexis Hill recommends a [$5,000.00] grant to Amplify Life -- a non-profit organization that is organized for charitable, religious, or educational purposes - to support programs for clients with disabilities, a [$5,000.00] grant to the Tahoe Prosperity Center -- a non-profit organization that is organized for charitable, religious, or educational purposes -- to support the 2023 Envision Tahoe Venture Summit, a [$1,000.00] grant to Reno Bike Project -- a non-profit organization that is organized for charitable, religious, or educational purposes - to support access to affordable recycled bikes, and a [$1,000.00] grant to India Association of Northern Nevada - a non-profit organization that is organized for charitable, religious, or educational purposes -- to support the promoting of Indian culture creating a positive, enjoyable and nurturing friendships and the Dandiya Hahotsav event; to approve Resolutions   Action details Not available
TMP-7916 17.C.3. ResolutionRecommendation to approve, pursuant to NRS 244.1505, Commission District Special Fund disbursement in the amount of [$15,000.00] for Fiscal Year 2023-2024; District Commissioner Mariluz Garcia recommends a [$5,000.00] grant to Be the Change Project -- a nonprofit organization created for religious, charitable or educational purposes -- to work with artists and kids to make murals and sculptures providing art to the community; a [$5,000.00] grant to Nevada Museum of Art - a nonprofit organization created for religious, charitable or educational purposes -- to support the new Education and Research Center; a [$5,000.00] grant to Domestic Violence Resource Center-- a nonprofit organization created for religious, charitable or educational purposes -- to support their emergency shelter and transitional housing residents; approve Resolutions necessary for same; and direct the Comptroller’s Office to make the necessary disbursements of funds. Manager's Office. (Commission District 3.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7936 38. AppearanceAppearance and presentation by Washoe County Emergency Management Administrator Kelly Echeverria to update the Board on the Regional Strategic Emergency Management Goals, the Integrated Preparedness Plan, and collaborative preparedness efforts throughout the region. FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Action details Not available
TMP-7934 19. ResolutionPresentation and discussion by Eric P. Brown, County Manager, and Quinn Korbulic, IT Manager. A report and discussion on the unified 911 Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and the Law Enforcement Records Management System Agreement and associated agenda items, and a review of next steps for implementation of the regional systems. FOR DISCUSSION ONLY   Action details Not available
TMP-7870 110. Action ItemRecommendation to accept and ratify the Hexagon Unified Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management Suite HxGN OnCall Suite Governance Agreement between the City of Reno, City of Sparks, REMSA, and Washoe County; and authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to execute the Agreement. This agreement establishes an operational and management structure that allows for and governs the signatory partner agencies’ participation in the ongoing governance, administration, and management of the Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management systems; and establishes the framework to allocate costs of the systems to the partner agencies in amounts proportionate to their respective use of the system. Washoe County’s portion of the costs to pay for the Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management systems is expected to be [$3,176,800] of the total [$8,259,423] for system implementation and [$518,825] of the total [$1,371,765] annually. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7435 111. ContractRecommendation to approve the contract between Washoe County and Intergraph Corporation through its Hexagon Safety, Infrastructure, & Geospatial division for upgrade of the regional Computer Aided Dispatch and Law Enforcement Records Management systems in Washoe County for a cost not to exceed [$7,291,924.39] and a term of sixty months from the effective date; and direct the Purchasing and Contract Manager to execute the contract. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7869 112. ContractRecommendation to approve the contract, initiated through the State of Nevada Cooperative Cloud Solutions agreement (NASPO ValuePoint - Utah), between Washoe County and Hewlett Packard Enterprise for equipment and services to support the upgrade of the regional Computer Aided Dispatch and Law Enforcement Records Management systems in Washoe County for a cost not to exceed [$62,493.84] in the first year with pricing based on an anticipated growth rate formula for subsequent years and a term of sixty months from the effective date; and, direct the Purchasing and Contract Manager to execute the contract. Technology Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7917 113. ResolutionRecommendation to award Washoe County Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 3221-24 and approve the Agreement for Landscape Maintenance Services to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder, [staff recommends BrightView, at an estimated annual value of $392,573.88 plus cost for repairs]; for the period upon approval through September 30, 2026 with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, and authorize the Purchasing and Contracts Manager to execute the agreement on behalf of Washoe County. Community Services. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7909 114. AppointmentRecommendation to appoint two candidates from a pool of applicants including: Shauna Adams, Danielle Anders, Ron Aryel, Katherine Ayzengart, Kim Barghouti, Paula L. Berkley, Jessica Brown, Andrea Caldwell, Wendy Colborne, Kate Crist, Reva Crump, Grace Davis, Heather Drew, Robert Ellis, Brian Erbis, Maria Flores, Mel Grotberg, Erica Hall, Wayne Holland, Gianna M. Jacks, Valieria T. Koss, Patricia Kress, Sara Marcus, Robbie Maus, Virginia A. Nolte, Patricia Olmstead, Linda Park, Janice Porter-Moffitt, William R. Puchert, Sharon Reardon, Marie Rodriguez, Tami Ruf, Hagen Sandoval, Linda K. Schmitt, Roger Scime, Ann D. Silver, William Sims, Brad M. Stanley, Ryan Stark, Susan Steig, Andre Stigall, Geraldine F. Taylor, Owen Truesdell, CJ J. Walters, Charles Wellington II, Thomas C. Willadsen, Sylvia Willard, Nadienne Williams, Sara Zober, and Benjamin Zober to fill one midterm vacancy on the Washoe County Library Board of Trustees pursuant to NRS 379.020(3) beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on June 30, 2026, and to fill one full-term vacancy on the Washoe County Library Board of Trus   Action details Not available
TMP-7938 115. ResolutionRecommendation to approve a resolution supporting the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act and to request Nevada's federal congressional delegation to advance this federal public lands legislation to support conservation, recreation, and economic development in the Truckee Meadows region. Generally speaking and if ultimately passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, the Act allows for federal land to be made eligible for disposal/sale (anticipated 14,606 acres), creates permanent land conservation areas (anticipated 719,687 acres), conveys federal land to local government entities for recreation and public purposes (anticipated 4,701 acres), transfers additional federal land into trust for local tribes (anticipated 22,415 acres), and helps to fund additional land preservation and conservation projects statewide. Manager’s Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available
TMP-7937 116. OrdinancePublic Hearing: Second reading and adoption of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 5 - Administration and Personnel to add a new section titled “Regulation of Lobbyists”, establishing for purposes of the ordinance a definition for “lobbyist”, “communication”, “policymaker” and “family member”, requiring lobbyists to make certain disclosures when providing public comment at a public meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, and establishing civil penalties for any person who knowingly violates the provisions of the section. Manager’s Office. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION   Action details Not available