Recommendation to: (1) Accept a Project Funding Agreement between the State of Nevada acting by and through its Division of State Lands and the Fund to Protect Lake Tahoe funding agreement [in the amount of $742,458.09 with a Washoe County cash/in-kind match in the amount of $185,614.52 for this phase of the project] for the purpose of planning, permitting, and design (Phase I), of the Upper Third and Rosewood Creeks Water Quality Improvement Project, with funds identified for planning, design, and permitting to be fully expended by December 31st, 2026, and with provisions to receive additional funding for future phases of the project, subject to final approval by the Board of County Commissioners; (2) approve an Agreement for Professional Services between Washoe County and CDM Smith to provide design services for shoulder stabilization, new storm drain, drainage pattern impacts, and infiltration storm drain for portions of the Upper Third and Rosewood Creeks Water Quality Improvement ...