Introduce and conduct a first reading of an ordinance amending Washoe County Code Chapter 110 (Development Code), in Article 319, (Short Term Rentals (STRs)) by modifying various sections in order to clarify maximum occupancy limitations associated with an STR permit; limit STRs to one per parcel in the Tahoe Planning Area; prohibit new STRs in accessory dwellings in the Tahoe Planning Area; clarify when an STR permit must be relinquished; remove requirement for an outdoor fireplace permit from the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District; allow for an updated STR permit renewal date via payment of a pro-rated renewal fee; remove the requirement for a signed notary for STR renewal applications; clarify that a new STR permit is required with each change of parcel ownership; grant a 30 day automatic grace period for renewals with a possible additional 30 day discretionary grace period that may be granted by the Director of Planning and Building; and clarify violation and revocation regul...