Recommendation to acknowledge and approve, effective January 27, 2025, for Incline Justice Court, two (2) reclassifications and two (2) Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) changes. Reclassify Judge’s Administrative Assistant position (70000360), pay grade J150, to new classification Justice Court Administrator-Incline, pay grade J190 [$39,324- offset with reduction in intermittent hourly budget and other position changes]; Court Clerk Lead position (70008744), pay grade J150, to Court Clerk, pay grade J140 [savings $9,005]. Reduce the current 1.0 FTE Interpreter/Clerk position (70000136) to 0.80 FTE [savings $21,197]; increase the current 0.65 FTE Deputy Clerk III position (70009155) to 0.80 FTE [$17,947] and authorize Human Resources to make the necessary changes [net fiscal impact savings $-0-]. Incline Justice Court. (All Commission Districts.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION