Recommendation to accept the Inflation Reduction Act - Urban & Community Forestry sub-award from the State of Nevada, Division of Forestry in the amount of [$275,000.00; $25,000.00 indirect; no county match required], effective from the date of acceptance through March 31, 2027 to support the launch of a County Community Forestry Program; authorize the Manager’s Office and Community Services Department to execute the subaward; direct the Comptroller’s office to make the necessary budget amendments; and authorize the creation of 0.52 FTE Community Forester (effective and contingent on JEC review and approval) funded 100% by the Inflation Reduction Act - Urban & Community Forestry sub-award for three years. As such, if grant funding is reduced or eliminated, the position hours will be reduced and/or the position will be abolished accordingly unless additional funding is secured; and direct the Human Resources Department to make the necessary staffing adjustments as evaluated by the Job E...