Public Hearing: Regulatory Zone Amendment Case Number WRZA24-0007 (Galena Creek School).
Consideration of the Planning Commission’s recommendation to adopt an amendment to the Forest Regulatory Zone Map to change the regulatory zoning on a 1-acre parcel (APN: 045-472-28) from Low Density Suburban (LDS- 1 du/acre) to Parks/Recreation (PR); and if approved, authorize the chair to sign a resolution to this effect.
The site is located at 16000 Callahan Rd. and owned by Washoe County. The Board of County Commissioners may adopt the proposed amendment, may adopt the proposed amendment with modifications, or may deny the proposed amendment after the public hearing. If the Board denies a proposed amendment, the reason(s) for the denial (i.e., which findings cannot be made) shall either be stated in the motion or discussed on the record by the individual Board members. Community Services. (Commission District 2.) FOR POSSIBLE ACTION